Protecting your workers is an essential priority.

Attempting to setup and maintain a customized safety program on your own can cost your business a lot of valuable time and money. Eliminate unnecessary costs, headaches and frustration by contracting SafeLink to establish and manage an OSHA compliance program for you. Gain peace of mind knowing you have a reliable, customized safety plan in place that not only helps you protect your workers, but also meets the OSHA safety regulations written documentation and OSHA compliance training.

SafeLink’s safety consultants are trained and knowledgeable in the dental practice work environment. While onsite your SafeLink safety consultant will conduct a thorough safety survey of your facility and your work practices, as well as provide safety training specific to all of your dental practice workers. Your SafeLink safety consultant will review your current written safety program in place and make any necessary recommendations to ensure a safe work environment. This review includes programs and

procedures for Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, Exposure Control Plan, Infection Control procedures, CDC Infection Control guidelines, Hazard Communication, Respiratory Protection Program, Ergonomics, Emergency Action Fire Prevention, Workplace Violence, Lockout Tagout, Equipment Maintenance, PPE – Personal Protective Equipment, Injury and Illness Recordkeeping, Hazardous Waste, Dental Unit Waterlines, Anesthetic Gases, Radiation Safety, plus more.

Complement your safety program with SafeLink’s other beneficial safety compliance solutions:

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