The Hazard Communication Standard requires employers to identify hazardous chemicals used in the workplace.
The employer determines the labeling system that will be used in their facility and must train their workers on how to use the system. SafeLink offers the labels and posters to comply with the NFPA System and the GHS Pictograms/Symbols.
In 2012 OSHA revised the Standard to include components of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS). The GHS uses pictograms or symbols as a part of the warning information. If this is the system that the employer is using to warn workers, then the pictograms or symbols should also be placed on secondary containers. The worker should be trained on identification of these pictograms. Displaying a poster is helpful to remind workers of the pictogram or symbol meanings.
Pictogram Labels
- 1” x 1” size stickers, color-coded
- Pictogram Starter Pack (90 labels + 2 posters)
- Pictogram Pack of 200 Labels (you pick the symbols)

Pictogram Labels
- 1” x 1” size stickers, color-coded
- Pictogram Starter Pack (90 labels + 2 posters)
- Pictogram Pack of 200 Labels (you pick the symbols)
Pictogram Poster
- 8 1/2 x 11 size, color-coded, laminated poster (buy 3 or more and save)
NFPA Hazard Rating Labels
- 2 x 3 size stickers, color-coded, pack of 100 (buy 3 or more packs and save)
NFPA Hazard Rating Poster
- 8 1/2 x 11 size, color-coded, laminated (buy 3 or more and save)
Call 770.205.6745 | 800.330.6003 to order or email us.
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